Saturday, September 11, 2010
wait a while
if not.. go to < link's here
or if you're too stubborn to find it or click it
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Super procrastination
So I decided to go back and make a website. I'll just redirect this to there, so it'll be easier. (:
In the meantime though, I won't be updating this.
Got to stop procrastinating.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Severe headache
Saturday, May 8, 2010
This sucks
Ever since I joined acapella, It's as if my world is surrounded by acapella. It's kind of cool. :D
Anyway, I got into Acapella; Rhapsody in my school (RP). I apparently am an alto. Lower voice of a female. That sucks. I have a deep voice. I sound like a guy! hahaha
The whole acapella thing was cool though, when I went for it for the first time.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Me: Hey, I got something to say. *pause* I got into Acapella.Them: what?Me: I got inside AcapellaThem: what?! *getting frustrated*Me: I got in-side A-ca-pe-llaThem: You got accepted in acapella? what is acapella?Me: You know, the audition I went for before? The one I told you about?Them: So you got ACCEPTED in acapella then. Hey what is that? *points to food*
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Acer kinda blows
I'm going to the service center tomorrow with my mother to get it repaired. I'm going with my mother because I don't have the proof of purchase, so hehe, she'll help me speak? I'm scared. I'm a shy, scared, quiet girl alright?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Intimidation = not me
Sunday, April 18, 2010
I miss the holidays already
In pictures, it's either I'm not happy, or I look fucking retarded.
Like I said, I'm doomed.
Die alone with 27 cats, dogs, mice, goldfishes, luohans, hamsters.
I'll probably die alone in my big house (make me at least feel happy about my life) and no one would know. They'd walk past and smell some awful stench then think, "oh ya, she has dozens of animals. It must be their shits," and they walk away.
The moment people realized that I haven't been coming out, they'll do a search on the house and find my skeletons on the ground.
That's how long they'll take to find me.
Ohwell, it's a pure rant post anyway. (:
I know if I want to happy, I need to manouver my life into the happiness road myself. No one would do that for me. (: It's cool. I can act. (:
Thursday, April 8, 2010
School's about to start
Anyway, I swear off cuss words for a week. Cuss words meaning that I won't get to say my tagline: fuck you.
Wish me success but I know a number are probably going, "she won't last a minute."
Saturday, April 3, 2010
I have a favourite author
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
You're alright elora, you're not cursed. You're just difficulty. No wait... Special!
I was on my bed today, well yesterday, it's midnight now, from 11pm to 1am. That's 2 hours of doing nothing but lie lifeless on the bed. Or seemingly lifeless.
I did do research on this fucking illness.
I found out this solution that makes this certain person sleep and I thought, at first, that it works because I yawned after trying that solution. It all went downhill from there.
Step 1: Close your eyes.
Step 2: Empty your mind of EVERYTHING
Step 3: Inhale and Exhale deeply and count each breathing
That's it!
Like I never tried that one. But WAIT WHAT?
UM... I know I screen-shot it but ... let's skip it.
Been there, tried that.EXACTLY MY POINT! So now I'm up. Fuck, I'm dead. The same thing will happen tomorrow and it's a vicious cycle.SOMEONE FUCKING LIFT THE CURSE PLEASE.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
So I went to Philippines like a month ago, I think? It was during february anyway.
I had the experience of a lifetime, or maybe I'm exaggerating on that part but what I'm going to type next isn't an exaggeration. I swear, it's the truth and that's how I experienced it. Some might say it's frightening but really, it's just how the whole country works I think. I got used to it after sometime. I dare say, I kind of like it even.
So, what i'm going to talk about is the roads.
You know how singapore's roads are.
It's wide and it looks really organized. Heck, look at the trees and flowers in the picture. It's like paradise. Well, to me.
Even if the number of cars increase, it still look organized, doesn't it?
So let's look at the traffic jams Singapore has:
Dude, that's a lot of cars! And I know, I wouldn't go calling this organize anymore but at least the people follow rules here. They're still in their lanes and whatnot.
Let's look at the traffic jams in Philippines then?
I bet, you're saying that, that's not that bad right? It still looks organized, just that the vehicles look wacky. Just because you never see them in Singapore.
Up close and it'll be like this. Okay, it doesn't look too bad but really, if you were in that traffic jam, IT WOULD BE BAD! You know why?
- They ALL go at fast speed. Faster than those in Malaysia (when my family went on a family road trip to KL).
- They honk nonstop. The horns in the vehicles there are overused and should be given a day-off!
- They cut whenever they see a small space in between the cars.
- Have someone give way to you there, is kind of ... unusual and rare.
- Some of the lines on the road have faded (you're lucky this road has them).
- Every driver there is a master in overtaking cars. And I mean EVERY driver.
Well, to me, all these reasons are kind of intimidating. Especially if you've been in Singapore for a while already.
this is a more specific picture of the roads there. Look at the roads, no line. And the jam seem to take forever.
What did I say about the overtaking? I seriously meant EVERY drivers. Even bus drivers are specialized in overtaking.
But actually, I quite liked it.
I could sleep long for the traffic jam. Plug in my earpieces and I'm good to go. Sleepyland.
The speed was nice. I love speed. I have this desire to go fast in life, just not too fast 'cause I don't want to die yet.
And things there, I didn't see in Singapore.
When I went to my grandma's place, we had to go through a bridge that looks like this:
Kinda scary but it opened my eye. That's a vehicle called tricycle. Nice to ride on.
If I could go back to Philippines, I would. The things are cheap there. I felt rich for the first time in my life. Probably the last but hey, I can die a little happier.
I want to go back and try the food vendors there. The one selling by the road and stuff. I want to eat the "taho" also known as beancurd. DAMN NICE! And the fishballs, I failed to try because my parent didn't let since it might be dirty and dangerous to the health. But I really want to try it.
I liked Philippines regardless though. I loved it there. Everyone is so friendly! I LOVE IT!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Don't go into the light
So after a while, it gets boring. So I camwhored a little. It's so bright ain't it? HAHA awesome aye!
But in reality, it's actually this dark:
I had a number of awesome topics in my mind to blog about actually but I don't have like the mood now to blog. I just want to play maple. HAHA
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I was on the phone with "Jane" (also known as Fazlyn) and after some really delayed talking, we got high abot Maple and playing it. For the whole day, we were downloading Maplestory. REALLY! Don't judge us.
What got us even more excited is the new stuff in Maplestory. The new characters, basically. Look at this:
It's such a freaking cool trick! LOOK AT THAT. There's a freaking wolf head on it. Awesome!
So while waiting for the game to be downloaded, I went to do another geeky thing.
It's a 280-paged book. I finished reading it the whole day, well half a day. No, i'm not boasting... okay, maybe a little.
It's actually a, in a way, good book. If you like romantic books, the ones typical girls read, then I bet you'll like this book. Borrow it in the nearest library around you. *wink*
Monday, February 15, 2010
To go or not to go
My mother said that the plan was for at least 5 days, so she asks us, "do we really want to stay in philippines for 5 days? Another the hot scorching weather?"
To which, obviously, my brother shook his head. I would to but I actually really want to go back to philippines and see our cousins. I mean, get together with them again. They are after all family. I think my brother feels the same but the weather climate kind of overpowered that. Singapore's hot, but philippines is HOT! Get the difference?
We might be going to philippines (if we really do go) on 19th feb till 24th feb. It's like almost a week there. I said almost.
My class were planning a photography outing at ubin. The place I've NEVER EVER been and my parents and bro beats me to it. They've all been there, except me. Yes, it's depressing, my life about the places i've been to I mean.
Oh well, if we end up going on 19th, I'll be able to go for the outing, if not, then I doubt I will be. Ugh, this isn't exactly a dilenma but heck, IT IS FOR ME.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Valentine's day
Awesome or what?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Quite sucky
How you wish to go to the past and go back and relive the times you enjoyed so much? Just one more shot. How you wish for it so badly? But it never comes alive.
Yet, you still hope for it to come true.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Another semester ended
- I became introverted again (& I plan to be extroverted next semester once more.)
- I enjoyed myself in E35k!
- Made a number of fun friends.
- Actually learnt some business stuff (some)
- Stopped hanging out with the W47Q clique, which I really missed doing now. Honestly, I miss them but what happened, happened. I reckon, it's not easy to go back to like before anyway. Although, if given a chance, I would want to take it.
- Saw a cute Year 3 guy but he stopped looking cute after a while. Too quiet.
- Saw a cute volunteer in Tuition but I stopped liking him too.
- Liked this guy and still do for now.
- Played fatal frame 4, for a while but still worth it.
- Finished Deadspace.
- Made a new blog! THIS!
- Did well for Digital Media Arts!
- Became BFF with someone because of a movie!
- Highlighted my hair for the first time
- And have it look SOOO MUCH DRIER for the first time
- Been to HongKong DisneyLand for the first time
- Moved to a Mansionatte house for the first time
- Had my room back ... IN PINK!
- Still had my brother keep telling me that Pink makes you go crazy.
- Slept on a hammock for the first time
- Cycled to school for longer than a day
- Learnt the basic piano chords
- Made my own songs
- Especially one about the guy I liked (note the past tense)
- Had a queen sized bed!
- Lastly, had fun-loving memories in E35K! I won't forget them. The matreps, the bitching, the whole drama and the bitching facilitator. ALL THOSE! I won't forget them, too fun to forget. Too interesting to not remember. Thank you E35K!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
It's hard not to like you
I don't actually know why I still like you. And in case, it's not Muhsin because I'm honestly glad that he and Noreen got together. I like someone else. :)
I don't want to like you because I know I don't have any chances on that and if my gut feelings are correct this time, I know I might crush quite deep on you.
However, it's hard not to like you. The way you can just be yourself and everything. To be honest, how you act is how I act at home. Obviously, I won't bring that act with me in the outside zone. There's no comfort zone outside.
Well, it's only a short time from now and poof! bye bye crush. I hope.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Trying to lose weight
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Not because I'm lazy
It's kind of sad because it goes to show how boring my life is. Sad Sad Boring Life
Well, one good thing I am confident in saying would be that I'm done with eyecandies for now.
I swear, cross my heart and hope to die.
Sure, recently, I liked this bunch of guys. 3 guys to be specific. ALL EYECANDIES.
Sad really. I realized that I've been using that word pretty often.
Morn, SG, Inclass
Bunch of eyecandies that I barely talk to. Hence, I don't think I'll consider them to be crushes. Mere eyecandies. Yes, that's right.
Monday, January 18, 2010
- I doubt you'll go out
- I think you're in camp
So hmm, hopefully we go out soon to celebrate it I guess?
Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN CHAN SHI DA! Yes, I remembered your full name. HAHA
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Boring Sunday
I was playing nintendo wii just now, this game:
To be frank, this game is cool for people who like shooting games. i.e. left 4 dead, dead space?
I played it for at least 2 hours i think till my brother complained. Therefore, I had to stop and continue my boring life. I have no life. ugh.
I was contemplating making a graphics site again? Should I? Wait, do people still do the graphics thingy nowadays?
If only singapore was into myspace, maybe I will go back to making a graphic site again but we're into facebook here. Hence, it's pointless to try and make layouts for myspace.
I think I'll be lazy and end up closing it again. Shucks.
Even making stories is out of the point because I always lose my train of thoughts. You know, sometimes it suck to get interested in things easily because that would mean you lose your passion here and there. In a way.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Alkaline trio!
I have a number of their album now and I'm really excited in listening to them!
To be totally honest, I didn't really know much about alkaline trio till mid-year last year. Imagine that, all those 17 years of no knowledge of alkaline trio at all. The horror!
So here's some history on them - the goodness of them,
Awesome shit.
And as wikipedia say so, they have 6 albums so far. The sixth one being released this year, 2010. FUCKING COOL.
Many more information here: click.
An example of their mad awesome skills.
Hooked yet?
You know how I got hooked to Alkaline Trio?
I was on youtube looking for songs to put in my phone to listen to. You know, music just rocks your world sometime. Yes, you cannot escape my love for them. Anything you click, they might just pop out.
So that's how I managed to get to know Alkaline Trio and now I have mad love for them. Awesome shit.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
nabei, all you big bicycles
My bicycle:
Sunday, January 10, 2010
It's official, I hate being sick. Although I didn't really change my diet much, I still eat chocolate and drink cold water. Okay, it's my bad for the chocolate part but my brother said that cold water doesn't really affect the throat so I believe my brother.
Who ever created viruses like this anyway? So air-borne and undetected that next thing you know, BAM! everyone have it and they're all pointing fingers around and naming it.
If you come from overseas, you're stereotypically known as probably a virus-carrier. You never know right? Especially if you come from those infected countries. You get double the blow if you do.
You cough loud once and you immediately see people cover their mouth and walk 234565432 steps away from you. Okay, exaggerated.
Basically, being ill suck and I used to like being sick. Obviously because I get to skip school.
I don't like being sick anymore. I got to be more healthy.
This video got into me:
Holy shit
My first fucking F. In the whole 1st year of RP I had and it's my favourite module! Gosh, I need to buck up now.
I somewhat feel that I kind of let my team down. I'm so sorry to them.
Okay, tomorrow's T205. I'm going to buck up. It's fucking flash. If i'm not wrong, so I cannot wait to learn that!
ps/ & it's ok, the whole thing was my choice anyway. So I mean, an F is kind of okay since I never got F before. haha
Friday, January 8, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
State of confusion
I know, yes, I have things to do on my end but right now, where I stand, I'm a little confused. So I honestly hope my thoughts get untangled and everything goes smoothly.
Let me have 1 good year for once.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
ps/ on a side note, when I was in facebook checking the messages from God application thing, I got this:
Apparently, God is tellng me that hot singles are waiting. Go figure.
psps/ it's a joke. :)
Monday, January 4, 2010
What to do?
Yes, I made a mess of something. Something that escalated to something bigger and it continues like that for one round.
I don't want to sound like a pussy although I know I will, but I really regret that things turned out this way. I want it to go back to the way it were but how to?
One doesn't bother to talk to me anymore and she has a big impact there.
Another thing is that I'm afraid of getting those looks when I show my face in the area. The cold shoulders that you can feel from far, even when you're not with them.
I miss hanging out with them so bad, but I honestly don't know what to do anymore. Me, charging and forcing my way back in is futile. I can get kicked out just as fast as I can breathe. Yes, that fast.
I promised myself that I won't do anything that I will regret anymore and I still do. Ugh, I'm quite sucky for a person.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Last day of the holidays
I played The sims 2 for the whole day. I really made sure I used my time well huh? Right now, my legs are aching. IT FUCKING HURTS!
Okay, so I and I are supposedly friends now, I hope. I wonder what to do with the group but I honestly think there isn't anything I can do to get over this.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure of that. I know that if I go down and they see me, there'll be that change of expressions and the awkward part. I don't want to go there and feel that. I mean, it's inevitable and as much as I want to go back to the past, I don't think there is any way for that to happen. Mm, If there's any suggestions, I'd love to know.
Friday, January 1, 2010
I have them all and I'm super excited in trying them all out. Problem is I'm lazy to install the rest of the expansion packs. I'm currently playing Apartment life now and I'm really loving it!
I just wanted to boast that I have them all now! YES SUCKERS!
Bye bye 2009, hello 2010!
I had a sudden urge to change my notsodorky to emblazy. It's more updated that way. I'm still a dork though. I think Fazlyn can vouch for that, pretty sure. I'm not proud that she'll vouch for that, I tell ya. If she's reading this, either she'll laugh or she'll say no (as in say she won't do that and then get distracted). joke.
Basically, I've been lazier as days passes, and yes, I have a visual of my future self being unable to walk due to over-numbness in my legs because I sit on my queen-sized bed too much and well, too fat - the procrastination disease took over my body. So I thought, why not change the dorky to lazy? And I did! Mission accomplished!
Well, there was another reason as to why I changed the name too. I wanted to get rid of 2009. ... in a way.
2009 was good but short-lived. I was angsty and stupid. ohwellz.
The good things about 2009 were:
Went to batam for the 1st time!
Highlighted my hair for the 1st time!
There were plenty of good things that happened, if I'm not wrong but I didn't put them here because I don't have the pictures in my laptop.
Anyway, goodbye 2009 and hello 2010, please be better.