Sunday, January 10, 2010


It's official, I hate being sick. Although I didn't really change my diet much, I still eat chocolate and drink cold water. Okay, it's my bad for the chocolate part but my brother said that cold water doesn't really affect the throat so I believe my brother.

Who ever created viruses like this anyway? So air-borne and undetected that next thing you know, BAM! everyone have it and they're all pointing fingers around and naming it.

If you come from overseas, you're stereotypically known as probably a virus-carrier. You never know right? Especially if you come from those infected countries. You get double the blow if you do.

You cough loud once and you immediately see people cover their mouth and walk 234565432 steps away from you. Okay, exaggerated.

Basically, being ill suck and I used to like being sick. Obviously because I get to skip school.

I don't like being sick anymore. I got to be more healthy.

This video got into me:

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