So I went to Philippines like a month ago, I think? It was during february anyway.
I had the experience of a lifetime, or maybe I'm exaggerating on that part but what I'm going to type next isn't an exaggeration. I swear, it's the truth and that's how I experienced it. Some might say it's frightening but really, it's just how the whole country works I think. I got used to it after sometime. I dare say, I kind of like it even.
So, what i'm going to talk about is the roads.
You know how singapore's roads are.

It's wide and it looks really organized. Heck, look at the trees and flowers in the picture. It's like paradise. Well, to me.
Even if the number of cars increase, it still look organized, doesn't it?
So let's look at the traffic jams Singapore has:

Dude, that's a lot of cars! And I know, I wouldn't go calling this organize anymore but at least the people follow rules here. They're still in their lanes and whatnot.
Let's look at the traffic jams in Philippines then?

I bet, you're saying that, that's not that bad right? It still looks organized, just that the vehicles look wacky. Just because you never see them in Singapore.

Up close and it'll be like this. Okay, it doesn't look too bad but really, if you were in that traffic jam, IT WOULD BE BAD! You know why?
- They ALL go at fast speed. Faster than those in Malaysia (when my family went on a family road trip to KL).
- They honk nonstop. The horns in the vehicles there are overused and should be given a day-off!
- They cut whenever they see a small space in between the cars.
- Have someone give way to you there, is kind of ... unusual and rare.
- Some of the lines on the road have faded (you're lucky this road has them).
- Every driver there is a master in overtaking cars. And I mean EVERY driver.
Well, to me, all these reasons are kind of intimidating. Especially if you've been in Singapore for a while already.

this is a more specific picture of the roads there. Look at the roads, no line. And the jam seem to take forever.

What did I say about the overtaking? I seriously meant EVERY drivers. Even bus drivers are specialized in overtaking.
But actually, I quite liked it.
I could sleep long for the traffic jam. Plug in my earpieces and I'm good to go. Sleepyland.
The speed was nice. I love speed. I have this desire to go fast in life, just not too fast 'cause I don't want to die yet.
And things there, I didn't see in Singapore.
When I went to my grandma's place, we had to go through a bridge that looks like this:

Kinda scary but it opened my eye. That's a vehicle called tricycle. Nice to ride on.
If I could go back to Philippines, I would. The things are cheap there. I felt rich for the first time in my life. Probably the last but hey, I can die a little happier.
I want to go back and try the food vendors there. The one selling by the road and stuff. I want to eat the "taho" also known as beancurd. DAMN NICE! And the fishballs, I failed to try because my parent didn't let since it might be dirty and dangerous to the health. But I really want to try it.
I liked Philippines regardless though. I loved it there. Everyone is so friendly! I LOVE IT!
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